Tag Archives: Windows

How to: Samsung Odyssey G9 firmware update

After a few hours of struggling to get my Samsung G9 monitor to “find update files” in order to flash a newer firmware I decided to make a post listing everything that you need to do ‘end-to-end’ to get a new firmware flashed on this device.

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Windows 10 IPv6 commands cheatsheet

An aggregate quicklist of commands for use in IPv6 on Windows 10. This is nowhere near exhaustive nor is it intended to be authoritative at all; just a collection of commands I want to save for quick reference.

# Find out the INTERFACE-ID or "ZONE ID" to send outgoing packets thru
netsh interface ipv6 show interface
ping fe80::2080:218b:b6e7:8f35%4 (sends out ping via ID 4)

Scheduled task to reset wireless network adapter after hibernate on Windows

One of my Edimax wireless adapters fails to resume network connectivity when restoring the system from hibernation.

So I created a scheduled task that resets the device, after resuming from hibernate open your Event Viewer > System.

Look for event ID 27 – “The boot type was 0x2.” right click  “Attach task to this event”

Run program: powershell.exe

Arguments: Restart-NetAdapter -InterfaceDescription ‘Edimax AC1750 Wi-Fi USB Adapter’ -Confirm:$false

This should fix the issue automatically after every reboot. Your interface description may be different, in powershell run “Get-NetAdapter” to get the device’s specific and edit the arguments above as needed.

TeamViewer monitoring and instant push notifications

It has been almost a year since that massive reddit post with people freaking out about their TeamViewer accounts getting hacked [link].

Since then I have always wished team viewer would notify my cellphone every time someone connected or disconnected from my workstation, since I am the only user that connects to it I find the peace of mind extremely valuable and I wouldn’t mind getting some push notifications each time I used TeamViewer.

As TeamViewer themselves don’t have this feature I decided to write my own little program that will  send instant notifications to any phone for anyone connecting to your workstation using TeamViewer. Say hello to go-TValerts!

I have released my code as open source, written instructions on how to install and implement it. Find out more at github.com/TheLinuxGuy/go-tvalerts

Why certain programs launch fine on Start > Run on Windows but not from the command line

On windows, if you run a program such as Chrome.exe (Google Chrome Web Browser) via control + R (run) it will launch without a hitch as long as the browser is installed.

However, if you open the command line and you attempt to run “chrome.exe” it will complain that the executable is not found in the %PATH%

This is because Control+R also looks up the registry values within HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\App Paths\

Which include all apps ever installed such as Chrome.exe, Firefox.exe, Excel.exe, Illustrator.exe, etc.

So if you are ever writing a program in your programming language of choice, using a Windows Registry check of the location (HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\App Paths) for whatever.exe will be the perfect solution when that program is not in the System Environment variable %PATH%

Configure Webstorm to use Github Desktop for Windows git-bash

If you have installed Github Desktop on Windows, you may have noticed that the application itself comes with a “Git Shell” which is basically a linux terminal emulator running on windows and its very useful for developers or linux users that are familiar with bash.

The problem I recently encountered was trying to find the executable PATH of the git-bash.exe so that I can configure my Webstorm IDE to use it. All the documentation on the internet seems to point to C:/Program Files/Git folder but Github may have changed this as in the latest release I downloaded (v the files reside elsewhere and I will share where to find them.
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