Tag Archives: debian

LXC allow non-root users to bind to port 80 (couchpotato example)

A follow-up to my last post dealing with unprivileged port access on linux containers.

This time, I have a couchpotato container that I want to change its default port from 5050 to port 80, so that it is as simple as http://mycouch/ to access from the local network.
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Allow non-root processes to bind to privileged (ports <1024) on linux

As I work on my homelab migration from FreeNAS into Linux containers, I need to move my freebsd jails to LXC.

In *nix any usage of well-known ports (aka 1024 or less) requires special privileges or a kernel setting. In FreeBSD a simple sysctl net.inet.ip.portrange.reservedhigh =1 was enough to allow the BSD jail to use any port on the jail.

On LXC, I had to figure out how to do the same thing and its quite different. My environment is a debian stretch LXC container but should work on other linux versions.

# apt-get install libcap2-bin
# setcap 'cap_net_bind_service=+ep' /usr/bin/transmission-daemon

In the example above, the binary /usr/bin/transmission-daemon is now able to open any port, or port 80 http in my case all while running a service as a non-root user.

Hopefully these helps folks out there, the answer took some digging but I already had an idea on what was needed thanks to my FreeBSD experience in zones 🙂

Troubleshooting networking issues after fresh install of proxmox VE 4.4

Writing a quick troubleshooting guide and informative post to address an issue I came across when installing Proxmox VE 4.4 on two of my machines.

On servers with more than two network interfaces Debian/Proxmox renames all interfaces and does not properly detect eth0 as the on-board ethernet as many other linux flavors. This may cause a mild headache if you just installed Proxmox with static IP addresses using the installer and upon reboot you can’t access any network resources. Continue reading